A series of musical and other delights below, above, and beside the surface of gichi-gami.
Happening daily August 13-19 at various locations in the Duluth area based upon the wild whims of our great inland sea.
For latest updates, follow this page, our instagram @subSuperior
and our mailing list https://www.theembassy.love/contact-us/ .
Donate! Support this guerrilla grassroots festival:
Free to all. (But buy your completely unnecessary ticket to help the festival thrive if you can: https://www.theembassy.love/product/antiticket/)
Sponsor a Hexel:
and get other stuffz: https://www.theembassy.love/product-category/sub-superior/
Looking to get more involved?
Become an Active Aquasonic Agent:
Join our Volunteer Discord!
Attend and participate entirely at your own risk. Be aware of the safety of yourself and others. Leave the lake better than you found it.
Brought to by your friendly local art cult http://www.theembassy.love